
Picture ID 58292

Picture of Kukulcania - Male - Dorsal

Comments & ID Thoughts

Kukulcania or Titiotus, maybe? I've only started noticing these downstairs near doors in the last couple of years. We're located just east of Sacramento.

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I think this is a brown recluse id say get a professional to look at it


I don’t know any professionals
but if you find one u should email him or her


The best site i could find is this one https://nature.mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/brown-recluse-violin-spider

And it looks excactly like the one in your picture


Southern House Spider (Kukulcania hibernalis) can be found in CA, here’s an example of one collected in CA and IDed by dissection by a professional arachnologist. And although you’re unlikely to find a Brown Recluse in CA, there there are a few other native species in the genus there. Notably the Desert Recluse (Loxosceles deserta). There are also four other species of Kukulcania with a western range. That genus was recently revised and I’ve downloaded the paper for it before, I’ll have to look at it again to see if it specifies which ones are in CA.



I definitely found the same spider as you in my house in Grass Valley on Nov. 3 2020,, not too far from Cameron Park. I still don’t know exactly what species it is, my first thought was Titiotus, but someone commented they thought it was a Kukulkania, which led me to your submission. I made SURE it was not a brown recluse: definite ID based on the lack of three sets of eyes.


It’s guaranteed not to be. I just found one of these in my house within a 2 hour drive of the location this one was found in, and so I heavily researched it yesterday. It is def a brown recluse LOOKALIKE, but, I have good news. The real brown recluse has THREE DISTINCT EYE CLUSTERS whereas this spider has two clusters of eyes. Look into it; it’s very reassuring!


You’re right that this is a male Kukulcania sp.. There are several similar species in the genus out west.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Kukulcania spp. - Male - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Kukulcania spp. - Female - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Kukulcania spp. - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Kukulcania spp. - Male - Dorsal Enlarge Picture