Anahita punctulata
(Southeastern Wandering Spider)

Picture ID 62427

Picture of Anahita punctulata (Southeastern Wandering Spider) - Male - Dorsal

Comments & ID Thoughts

This spider was found at doorway to patio . There are 5 or 6 more of the same size and some baby spiders as well. Would this be a wandering spider or wolf spider?

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Brown widow spider


I don’t think so, the legs are too wide and hairy. It looks more like a Wolf Spider.


Hi, see above image for ID. 🙂


They’re not considered to be of medical significance – I don’t know how well their venom has been studied though. Because they belong to a family of spiders that does contain some medically significant species (genus Phoneutria) it is recommended to treat larger individuals in this family with respect to be on the safe side. Everyone’s immune system is different.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Anahita punctulata (Southeastern Wandering Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Anahita punctulata (Southeastern Wandering Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Anahita punctulata (Southeastern Wandering Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Anahita punctulata (Southeastern Wandering Spider) - Male - Dorsal Enlarge Picture