
Picture ID 71685

Picture of Trachelas - Dorsal
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Woodlouse Hunter.


Itsy Bitsy is the Site Moderator. She just finalized the ID on this post. The identification is now over the photo to the most specific taxonomic level that she is sure of from what she can see in the photo. She doesn’t say you got it incorrect, but the ID does. What you missed is that the only Woodlouse Hunter in USA is Dysdera crocata. That spider is kinda orange and has curved fangs that point toward each other like ice tongs. The Broad-faced Sac Spider is more grayish and has a weird row of eyes that runs wide across… Read more »


Wow. I totally missed the eye arrangement. I thought it was just a trick of reflected light.
Cool to learn!


I had one on my house, the weird eyes are a cool feature that is memorable. That’s something I like about spiders, they have really diverse behaviors and physical features. Most types of animals aren’t identified to species by number of eyes and where they are arranged around the head.


Broad-faced Sac Spider, Trachelas sp..

Additional Pictures

Picture of Trachelas spp. - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trachelas spp. - Male Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trachelas spp. - Male - Lateral Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trachelas spp. - Dorsal Enlarge Picture