An introduced species from Tropical Asia. It’s my understanding they like to eat cockroaches … so, that’s beneficial.. To relocate one you can place a container over it, gently slide a stiff piece of paper under it, and release it outside. Like most spiders they have venom but are not considered to be of medical significance, and are unlikely to bite except in self defense – everyone’s immune system is different though.
Hi, welcome to Spider ID. 🙂 This looks like a Huntsman Spider, Heteropoda venatoria.
Dont know much about them any vital things I need to know?
An introduced species from Tropical Asia. It’s my understanding they like to eat cockroaches … so, that’s beneficial.. To relocate one you can place a container over it, gently slide a stiff piece of paper under it, and release it outside. Like most spiders they have venom but are not considered to be of medical significance, and are unlikely to bite except in self defense – everyone’s immune system is different though.