
Picture ID 102163

Picture of unidentified spider
  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Apr 8, 2020
  • Photographed: Apr 8, 2020
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Memphis, Texas, United States
  • Spotted Outdoors: Man-made structure (building wall, fences, etc.)
  • Found in web?: No
  • Attributes:
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Yes, it has dangerous venom, but it is not aggressive. This is a Recluse in genus Loxosceles. There are four known species in the genus in Texas. They all have necrotizing venom. The good news is that they very rarely bite. https://texasinsects.tamu.edu/recluse-spider/


I had my first encounter with a brown widow today quite thrilling. I also picked up a mamma wolf spider carrying her eggs. I will post that picture later.


I hope you didn’t pick up the Brown Widow too. I’m lucky I live in a place with safe spiders, I grab too many things impulsively.


No I didn’t pick up the brown widow, even though I wanted to, I used my brain and said no. I seen it under a screen door ledge. I recognized the webbing of it to be a widow. I thought it was a black widow until I seen its legs to be tan and black, common colors of brown widows. I got a stick and moved its webbing and seen the legs and knew right then and there it was a brown widow. So i kept poking at it until I seen its orange hour glass. It was really exciting.