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Metaltella simoni
(Hacklemesh Weaver)

Picture ID 103169

Picture of Metaltella simoni (Hacklemesh Weaver) - Dorsal

Comments & ID Thoughts

I don’t know, but it has babies running around in my bathroom..

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Hi, this is a black lace weaver, Amaurobius ferox. Where the black lace weaver spiders do have venom they are not fatal towards people. However they do have a mean bite which can hurt for days. The black lace weaver spider prefers to live in dark humid places so when they do venture indoors, they are most often found in bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms. Will bite if provoked by being touched or threatened. Its bite leaves a white patch surrounded by redness with nausea lasting up to three days.


Metaltella simoni

Additional Pictures

Picture of Metaltella simoni (Hacklemesh Weaver) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Metaltella simoni (Hacklemesh Weaver) - Male - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Metaltella simoni (Hacklemesh Weaver) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Metaltella simoni (Hacklemesh Weaver) - Male Enlarge Picture