
Picture ID 104114

Picture of unidentified spider
  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Apr 28, 2020
  • Photographed: Apr 28, 2020
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Biel, Switzerland
  • Spotted Indoors: Other
  • Found in web?: No
  • Attributes:
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This is a Male Triangulate cobweb spider(Steatoda triangulosa)


This is a male Triangulate cobweb spider(Steatoda triangulosa). Males look different from the females. Females have the round abdomen.


Madam Damien AKA/ LilDame, are u sure u want to use this username? It’s ok if you don’t want people to know your biological gender . All of my usernames are deliberately gender-neutral so people don’t make assumptions about what I’m like based on gender. If people address me by a gender specific title, they usually go with Sir. That is totally fine, since it is the deferential way to address either gender in the military. Like Itsy, I guessed that Dame might be your family name, since it has been a common surname where I live. 🙂 I see… Read more »


Lol I like your name an mine.


Itś ok and you to!


That’s really interesting that you observed him reacting to his own shadow! It makes sense since spiders in this family, Theridiidae, see very poorly – mostly light and dark. They go toward the shadows to remain unseen by predators and prey. I was taking photos of one that was on a white wall. When I removed the object that was casting a shadow upon the spot the spider tried to hide. It saw my black phone and ran to it. That made photography difficult so I transferred the spider to my white hand. The spider ran for my dark gray… Read more »