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Phidippus princeps

Picture ID 10922

Picture of Phidippus princeps - Male - Dorsal
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Hi. Your spider is a jumping spider in he Salicidae family, this one is Phidippus johnsoni species. Sometimes called red backed jumping spiders. These are a very harmless sort of spider and will pose no threat to you. If this helps, I don’t know of any spider in north America that will attack any human much less any animal much larger than they are. Spiders don’t even know humans exist other than being some threat to hem, and then, they are going to run from you or avoid you. Among people that like spiders, these jumpers are more a favorite… Read more »


Hi, welcome to Spider ID. 🙂 This looks like Phidippus princeps.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Phidippus princeps - Female - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Phidippus princeps - Eyes Enlarge Picture
Picture of Phidippus princeps - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Phidippus princeps - Dorsal Enlarge Picture