Comments & ID Thoughts
My Dolomedes scriptus (aka striped fishing spider) Spited in Springfield TN at Carr Creek on the rocky edge of the water. There were thousands of them but only one that I saw with an egg sack!
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Jul 2, 2020
- Photographed: Jun 21, 2020
- Spider: Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders)
- Sex:
- Maturity:Adult
- Location: Springfield , Tennessee, United States
- Spotted Outdoors: Freshwater river, lake, stream
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal, Egg sacs
Dang it! I didn’t identify it!! Can I edit my post? If so, how?
You did in your notes. The identification that heads the photos can only be done by our Site Moderator. We haven’t been able to edit our posts, the site just changed, I don’t know if we can now. Probably not. Our moderator @ItsyBitsy is really busy in the real world due to the pandemic. She only has time to file (and formally identify) a small percentage of the photos. Your photo is intriguing, was the spider climbing up or down? I saw a Dolomedes scriptus and her hatchlings between stones near the top of an embankment like the one in… Read more »
This is actually a Wolf Spider (Lycosidae). Not sure which at the moment.