Hi. The eyes peg this as a huntsman spider, Heteropoda venatoria. Looks like it may have the typical white mustache also.
Sad such spider in this shape, they are not dangerous at all, maybe a bit big.
Can’t tell if this is juvenile or female from this. https://bugguide.net/node/view/772596
They are called cane spiders in Hawaii: ?resize=600%2C449&ssl=1
Found on the bathroom ceiling
Hi. The eyes peg this as a huntsman spider, Heteropoda venatoria. Looks like it may have the typical white mustache also.
Sad such spider in this shape, they are not dangerous at all, maybe a bit big.
Can’t tell if this is juvenile or female from this.
They are called cane spiders in Hawaii:
Hi, welcome to Spider ID. 🙂 This is a Huntsman Spider, Heteropoda venatoria.