
Picture ID 132878

Picture of unidentified spider
  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Dec 10, 2020
  • Photographed: Dec 10, 2020
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Jerusalem, Israel
  • Spotted Outdoors: Man-made structure (building wall, fences, etc.),Ground layer (leaf litter, dirt, grass, etc)
  • Found in web?: No
  • Attributes:
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Hello, and welcome to SpiderID! I believe this to be some variety of trapdoor spider. This is a male, probably in search of a mate. They also emerge from their burrows to escape water.


You are very welcome. Just in case this is too long, I have highlighted the important information / direct answers to your questions. Almost all spiders are venomous but very few have the potential to be dangerous. While trapdoor spiders closely resemble the notorious Australian Funnel Web Spider, there is no need for concern. Bites are very painful, but the venom has no serious medical effects. However, as with any puncture, a bite may become infected, requiring medical treatment. Trapdoor Spiders: These spiders live below ground in burrows with silken ‘trapdoors’ disguised with dirt and leaves. To hunt, they wait… Read more »


You are very welcome! I am so glad to be a help. Arachnophobia, an intense fear of spiders, is very common but (good news!) very treatable. The gold standard for overcoming anxiety is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is a highly effective, evidence-based therapy used to treat all kinds of anxiety. The idea behind CBT is that the way we think affects how we act. It aims to identify and replace irrational, fearful thoughts and ideas with truth, and thereby change the way we feel, react, and respond. These are some of the steps CBT might include: 1. Learn… Read more »


I’m sure the day will come, and I wish you all the best on your journey! Thank you so much; I try to help when I can. Feel free to ask any more questions you have. We don’t have all the answers, but we try our best. Volunteering on SpiderID: We are completely volunteer-based here, and many of us have no initial qualifications beyond our enthusiasm and research skills. Our moderator, ItsyBitsy, is on temporary leave. TangledWeb is filling in for her right now, doing IDs and helping to welcome, recruit, and train new volunteers. There are numerous online resources… Read more »