
Picture ID 133121

Picture of unidentified spider
  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Dec 19, 2020
  • Photographed: Dec 19, 2020
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
  • Spotted Outdoors: Freshwater river, lake, stream
  • Found in web?: No
  • Attributes:
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She’s a Marbled Orbweaver, Araneus marmoreus. From the shape of her abdomen, she appears to have oviposited her eggs into an egg sac already. She may be on the ground seeking water or food.


@NCRoger you have an account, which is the first step. If your photo is in cloud storage download it to the device you are using. That will allow it to appear in “photo library.” Go to “submit” that’s next to a camera icon. Where it appears can depend on your web browser. On Safari it is at the top right in a horizontal black bar. Choose photo library and “medium” for size. The date function is a drop-down calendar. It helps to write down the date stamp for the photo before you get to the calendar. You can adjust the… Read more »


Ah! Got it. Thanks. The auto-fill put in my town, but it didn’t like it for some reason and kept calling it “spam”. When I typed it in, it worked. I successfully submitted the photo.


Thanks for the update, the site works in mysterious ways. I’ve had many sites reject submissions because I used auto-fill in one box instead of typing things out. Makes sense for reducing spam and activistic submissions. This site will reject things if you spend too long typing them too. That can be really annoying.