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(Leaf-curling Sac Spiders)

Picture ID 13365

Picture of Clubiona (Leaf-curling Sac Spiders) - Dorsal

Comments & ID Thoughts

I keep getting bit. Wondering if it is a spider.

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Hi. Your spider is a ground spider in the Gnaphosidae family, looks Gnaphosa genus.
These are not considered medically significant.
I have only been bitten by one of these, and think I can safely say, your bites are not the result of such spider. They sting pretty good, so you are going to notice a bite, and when spiders do bite,it is rarely more than once. Like most, if these spiders can run from you, they will run before biting.
Welcome to the site.


Hi, welcome to Spider ID. 🙂 This looks like a Leaf-curling Sac Spider, Clubiona sp.. They have no reason to bite except in self defense, so unless you’re finding them in your laundry or sheets I’d start looking for blood sucking insects.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Clubiona spp. (Leaf-curling Sac Spiders) - Male - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Clubiona spp. (Leaf-curling Sac Spiders) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Clubiona spp. (Leaf-curling Sac Spiders) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Clubiona spp. (Leaf-curling Sac Spiders) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture