Comments & ID Thoughts
Guessing a black house spider
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Feb 25, 2021
- Photographed: Sep 26, 2020
- Spider: Kukulcania hibernalis (Southern House Spider)
- Sex:
- Maturity:Adult
- Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
- Spotted Indoors: Basement or Cellar
- Found in web?: Yes
- Attributes: Dorsal
Has been living in a small hole in the brick wall since September 2020. Observed to stay in the hole, and occasionally is seen at the edge of the hole or slightly outside of the hole hanging upside down like in the photo.
It’s a Southern House Spider, Kukulcania hibernalis. I haven’t seen one yet, I didn’t know they hunt this way. He has his feet on the thick strands of the web. As soon as something touches it he’ll know about it. I have a different soecies, Black Lace Weavers that hunt like this using the holes in the foundation walls to hide their bodies.
wow, you’re right, it definitely is a southern house spider. I believe this one is a female, as the males seem to be a lighter brown than the females, which have this darker coloration. thanks for the reply!