
Picture ID 135735

Picture of unidentified spider

Comments & ID Thoughts

I use to be terrified of spiders and would kill them without thinking. But after really looking why I hate them I've grown to love them and never kill any spiders in my home. The worst I'll do is toss them outside. But I have found 2 of these spiders in as many days and am very afraid they may be Brown Recluse. I'd really would like to know if I'm correct. I hope I'm not. Thanks

  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Apr 5, 2021
  • Photographed: Apr 4, 2021
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: PINE GROVE, California, United States
  • Spotted Indoors: Other
  • Found in web?: No
  • Attributes:
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For future reference, there are a few differences between Loxosceles deserta and the spider you have here. Titiotus spp. have darker, more circular carapaces while Loxosceles spp. have more of a heart-shaped carapace. Titiotus species also typically get a fair amount larger than Loxosceles spp. The legs are also thicker than Loxosceles spp. While Loxosceles spp., typically, have pretty skinny legs. Titiotus spp. also have a larger carapace marking that can be confused as a violin. Their carapace marking is larger, like the one you see in your photo. Also the eye arrangement is different. Titiotus has 8 eyes that… Read more »


Also Loxosceles spp. in California will be mostly found in more of the SE parts of the state. While Titiotus spp. are far more common around the Sacramento area. Here is a typical Loxosceles deserta https://bugguide.net/node/view/424379/bgimage