
Picture ID 136424

Picture of unidentified spider

Comments & ID Thoughts

Peucetia viridans - Green lynx spider - species needs to be added to NC species list.

  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Apr 21, 2021
  • Photographed: Apr 15, 2020
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Cary, North Carolina, United States
  • Spotted Outdoors: Low foliage (shrubs, herbs, garden, excluding flowers)
  • Found in web?: Yes
  • Attributes:
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Her red markings on her cephalothorax are not typical. I haven’t seen this pattern before. Nice linear flow in the photo!


Yes, she is matching the leaf. She also has bright yellow to match the smaller veins in the leaf. Her legs are pale green by default, here she changed them to match the veins. Her torso is a darker green than the default, to match the leaves. The Crab Spider species Misumenoides formosipes is a common species that is the best I’ve seen at matching colors and patterns it sees. Uhhh…officially and in theory. Our “About” section describes the site as something like a Freeform interactive collaboration. I’m keeping it alive to do its original goal. The founder wanted to… Read more ยป


In it’s first ~2 years this site was Spiders.US and was more of an arts forum than scientific. The change happened before I started here. Our moderator said there was photography, creative writing, sculptural art…anything spider-related. We decided to allow the site to gradually include art content again in addition to the IDs and science discussion. We and the site users just prefer the mix of art and science over one or the other.


I agree about purpose! I have a relative that has been miserable during the pandemic. Someone just bought her an iPad so she can do online volunteer work. That should help greatly. She and I both do volunteer genealogy work.
Only two people have full legal access to this site’s database. I was advised to keep waiting to have any control over the filing. I don’t like having to discretely explain why things don’t change. I’ve only been doing this for 2 and a half years, it feels like so much longer.
I’m willful, so I keep going. ๐Ÿ™‚