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Heteropoda venatoria
(Huntsman Spider)

Picture ID 14095

Picture of Heteropoda venatoria (Huntsman Spider) - Dorsal
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Hi, welcome to Spider ID. 🙂 This is a Huntsman Spider, Heteropoda venatoria.


This looks like the dude. I have long hair and sometimes it tickles my arm. I’m overly paraniod about spiders,so I try to purposely not look in an attempt to not feel silly over my hair. Tonight I looked. It was a big spider. In my bed. It covered my entire elbow. Things were thrown. It flew. Then it actually played dead. I mean it went on its back, curled up its legs, and held still. Can spiders do that?!? Is this normal? Well, then it got bored of playing dead after a minute and moved. It’s now dead and… Read more »

Additional Pictures

Picture of Heteropoda venatoria (Huntsman Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Heteropoda venatoria (Huntsman Spider) - Male Enlarge Picture
Picture of Heteropoda venatoria (Huntsman Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Heteropoda venatoria (Huntsman Spider) Enlarge Picture