
Picture ID 151373

Picture of unidentified spider

Comments & ID Thoughts

Please help me asap! 10/16/21- noticed a small bump above my navel. Thought It was insignificant but worked from 1p-730p and realized pain, swelling, and redness all tolerable. Went to ER around 11pm -1230am 10/17/21. Treated with shot to numb the same bump but the size grew and symptoms were less tolerable but not unbearable. After numbing, was an attempt to dislodge “hair” by poking me with a thicker gaged needle under the skin and flicking the needle upward to help with irritation. Well no hair follicle was clogged or if it was then the hair never surfaced. Then tried to pop the bump without any kind of incision made other than the poke/prying and flicking of a needle. The redness was now covering up my stomach and under the navel. I was in a lot of pain and I don’t take anything that can be addictive. Ruled it as cellulitis and wrote me clindimyacin 4 times a day for 7 days. It’s now becoming this opened sore and there’s 2 puss pockets. The skin is peeling around it and it’s still red. Idk if it’s staph that resistant or if this ahole is a venomous spider. Also have been working 8 hrs with dressings to cover and musporin. Going to my dr in the am. But I’m scared is all

  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Oct 20, 2021
  • Photographed: Oct 19, 2021
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Lafayette, Louisiana, United States
  • Spotted Indoors: Other
  • Found in web?: No
  • Attributes:
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Sorry about your situation and I hope you are feeling better. As for the spider it is definitely not a Recluse. Its tough to tell but based off the sack-style webs in the cobweb configuration above the spider it is most likely an Anyphaenidae sp.. These spiders are harmless. I’m assuming the injury may have been the result of a spider bite getting infected that only got more inflamed from the needle poking. Spider venom in North America can not cause infections by themselves despite popular belief. Infections that do occur from spider bites are caused by bacteria getting into… Read more »


As well, sorry about the slow response as I have been MIA for several months.