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Trachelas tranquillus
(Broad-faced Sac Spider)

Picture ID 173901

Picture of Trachelas tranquillus (Broad-faced Sac Spider)

Comments & ID Thoughts

Trachelas tranquillus

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Most likely Dysdera sp


Yes, I agree that it is Trachelas tranquillus. Greenvilleeee, Some things that are different for this species compared to Dysdera: Broad-faced sac spiders have broad eyes across their broad face. They are almost always visible because they are high on the face. Sac Spiders tend to have a cardiac mark, D. crocata doesn’t. The cardiac mark is the dark line that starts at the beginning of the abdomen. It’s called that because it is where a spider’s hearts are. The fangs don’t show on this species, but D. crocata’s usually do. This one has a gray abdomen, Dysdera are usually… Read more »


Sorry!! Thank you for the help


Thanks for this! I believe I have found this one before..I’m gonna check my photos

Additional Pictures

Picture of Trachelas tranquillus (Broad-faced Sac Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trachelas tranquillus (Broad-faced Sac Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trachelas tranquillus (Broad-faced Sac Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trachelas tranquillus (Broad-faced Sac Spider) Enlarge Picture