
Picture ID 178755

Picture of unidentified spider

Comments & ID Thoughts

Found this nest outside my grandma’s house full of cute babys

  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: May 22, 2023
  • Photographed: May 21, 2023
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Salem, Oregon, United States
  • Spotted Outdoors: Low foliage (shrubs, herbs, garden, excluding flowers)
  • Found in web?: Yes
  • Attributes:
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This is crazy, I came here looking to identify the same baby spiders!! Just had an identical hatching on my basil plant on my porch. My location is Astoria, OR! Would also love to know what these are!


They are baby orbweavers. Genus Araneus looks similar to this as hatchlings. Baby spiders are tricky, they don’t look like their parents and their isn’t many confirmed images for comparison. They might balloon to new places when the atmospheric conditions are right. Baby spiders can fly! I love that fact! There are ballooning videos on YouTube. In some parts of the world it is called “spider rain” when they descend.


Cool! When they sense the wind speed and electric charge is right they “tent,” which is standing with their butts in the air with silk hanging out. It’s not classy, but they fly for free.


Thank you for rescuing them! I do that when I know a spider is on the property of a bug murder. With people with a phobia it is best to do what you’re doing, calmly move the critters away and have the person see you removing them. They don’t need to know the relocation location. I married into an arachnophobic family. You have to move the spiders on shrubbery?! Aww geez…. I don’t recognize the plant, are you allowed to prune it? I would prune the nest branches and put them loosely into a barrel to move them. You probably… Read more »