Comments & ID Thoughts
Presumably a member of Lycosidae, maybe genus Lycosa?
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Oct 6, 2023
- Photographed: Oct 6, 2023
- Spider: Unidentified
- Location: Barcelona, Spain
- Spotted Outdoors: Ground layer (leaf litter, dirt, grass, etc)
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes:
I found it in a small wood close to a neighborhood. The spider was very small. No web.
Yes i agree that it is a wolf spider. I had a quick google and u have 3 lycosa wolf spiders in Spain and they are all quite large.. about 20 to 30 mm (body size alone excluding the legs). My guess would be a little pardosa wolf spider….but tis onlyna guess.
Thanks for the answer! I thought the same, but what surprises me is that it was tiny (less than 10 mm body size excluding legs) whereas all our Lycosa species are quite large… perhaps it was a juvenile?
Sorry i wasnt clear in my answer. I think it is too small to be a in the genus lycosa…
it might be a much smaller wolf in the genus pardosa.
They hold their heads quite high and they tend to stand with their relatively long thin back legs straight behind them. I am from ireland though and we dont have as many spider species as you have in Spain. It could be a different species that i am unfamiliar with.
Oh I see! Yeah probably a species in the genus pardosa, I just checked it out. It matches its size and shape. No idea about the species, we have a bunch of them in Spain. Maybe Pardosa pullata, if only because I just read it is the most widespread and abundant.
They are very hard to identify to species level without a microscope. Different individuals in the same species look totally different.