Trichonephila clavipes
(Golden Silk Orb-weaver)

Picture ID 190818

Picture of Trichonephila clavipes (Golden Silk Orb-weaver)
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I can’t make out enough details to say for sure what this spider is. I know its hard to take a picture of a spider on a web in any sort of breeze.
It could be the Golden Silk Orbweaver – also called the Banana Spider- Trichonephila clavipes – The Banana spider has bands of thick bristles on each leg – which I think I can see in the picture of your spider.


If it doesn’t have thick bands of bristles on its legs , there is a chance that it is this one instead – the Joro spider – Trichonephila clavata – You should be able to tell which spider it is, by looking at the other side of it.
Both are not dangerous to humans


Nod, Thank you for putting a lot of thought and info into the ID. I filed it as T. clavipes based on the lighter colors of the legs. T. clavata has a lot of black. Range was important too. I really don’t expect you to have US geography memorised, I don’t. 😉 The Joro Spider was accidentally imported into the state of Georgia. It is usually found there in the US. There may be a few sightings in South Carolina, but very few. The dorsal markings are much easier.


Thanks so much for that. I thought it was T. clavipes but googling joro spider S. Carolina led me to believe Joras were far more numerous there than they are. Just goes to show news orgs the world over have the same appetite for the sensational. Cue a lot of comparisons. I was focusing so much on the various possible abdominal markings and the appearance of the bristles that i didnt notice the yellow legs of clavipes. I will know in future.


I’ve seen those USA articles that fear monger the possibility that Joro Spiders will spread to South Carolina, then soon the rest of the country. The junk click-bait articles usually can be identified by the use of “venomous” or “dangerous” to describe spiders. Usually I’m warning people in your part of the world to beware the truly fictional articles about “deadly” False Widows. Yes the whole world has sensational media that outright lies. Fox News is on TVs in almost every country and all US military posts. Poorly written hype articles are becoming more common as career journalists are getting… Read more »


You missed a few loaded phrases there …..I came accross a 2021 article in the Maxwell tabloid The Irish Sun with the headline ….exactly as written……..MILLIONS of venomous spiders that can “fly for 100 miles” have invaded the USA…….Sigh

Additional Pictures

Picture of Trichonephila clavipes (Golden Silk Orb-weaver) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trichonephila clavipes (Golden Silk Orb-weaver) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trichonephila clavipes (Golden Silk Orb-weaver) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Trichonephila clavipes (Golden Silk Orb-weaver) Enlarge Picture