Comments & ID Thoughts
Sorry the picture isn’t very clear, didn’t want to get any closer. Any idea what spider this is!
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Oct 22, 2023
- Photographed: Oct 22, 2023
- Spider: Unidentified
- Location: Limerick, Ireland
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes:
This is a cobweb spider in the genu Steatoda. They are very shiny so I can’t make out what if it has a pattern on its back or if it is just a reflection. At any rate they tend to lose their pattern as the get older. There are a few species present in Ireland and they are very alike…especially as they get older…From the size and shape of it I think theres a chance it could be a Noble False widow. S. nobilis. They have been in Limerick for a few years now and I have seen lots of… Read more »
My initial thought was that it was a Noble False widow spider but didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Thank you so much for your reply! Do you know If they’re a solitary species or should I be worried that there may be a couple more lurking around the house? Would you know where their usual hiding spots are?
They are solitary but possible to find one or few in larger homes.
No worries, they spend their life in/near their web that is rarely in the open and not medically significant.
Species Steatoda nobilis – BugGuide.Net