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Araneus marmoreus
(Marbled Orb-weaver)

Picture ID 192019

Picture of Araneus marmoreus (Marbled Orb-weaver)

Comments & ID Thoughts

I believe I was lucky enough today to just miss walking into this pretty amazing little spider this morning. It was hanging from his fine strand of web from a tree about six feet above my head. I think it’s a Pumkin Spider. I had to look up the real name which is Araneus marmoreus or also called the marbled or weaver.
I had to look it up because I had never seen one before and I was so fascinated with the colors and also a bit nervous with the black hourglass on its belly, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t something poisonous with my young grandchildren and my dog playing in the same area as where I found this cool looking spider.

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Yes this is the underside of Araneus marmoreus. I haven’t found one yet, I look forward to it. They have many beautiful combinations of colors and patterns. The link is to 20 years worth of the best photos submitted to It’s a volunteer-run site that came before ours. She isn’t considered a spider with medically significant venom. The only US spiders that are medically significant to humans: Black Widows, Brown Widows, Brown Recluses. Most spiders only bite people and pets in self-defense if handled roughly or in defense of their offspring. The kids should learn that her body… Read more »

Additional Pictures

Picture of Araneus marmoreus (Marbled Orb-weaver) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Araneus marmoreus (Marbled Orb-weaver) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Araneus marmoreus (Marbled Orb-weaver) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Araneus marmoreus (Marbled Orb-weaver) Enlarge Picture