I’m new to the spider identification thing because I’m using it to get over my arachnophobia
but this is the first time Ive said this… i dont know
sorry for the bad answer maybe someone else can help
My guess is that this is a male orb weaver probably in the genus Araneus – but i don’t know which one. It may perhaps be a male Araneus marmoreus https://bugguide.net/node/view/1436448/bgimage
It also bears a resemblance to a male Araneus normanni but there is no listing on bugguide for A normanni in Illinois so i don’t know if it is present in your state.
I’m new to the spider identification thing because I’m using it to get over my arachnophobia
but this is the first time Ive said this… i dont know
sorry for the bad answer maybe someone else can help
My guess is that this is a male orb weaver probably in the genus Araneus – but i don’t know which one. It may perhaps be a male Araneus marmoreus https://bugguide.net/node/view/1436448/bgimage
It also bears a resemblance to a male Araneus normanni but there is no listing on bugguide for A normanni in Illinois so i don’t know if it is present in your state.