Comments & ID Thoughts
I am going to try and guess a wolf spider. I am in Irvine, California and he was hanging outside over my pot plants on my patio. And possibly a male because his legs are skinny. I know very little about spiders as they scare the heck out of me. Any, input on what he actually is and if I should worry about him charging at me as wolf spiders are known to do would be awesome.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Nov 22, 2023
- Photographed: Nov 15, 2023
- Spider: Neoscona oaxacensis (Western Spotted Orb-weaver)
- Location: Irvine, California, United States
- Spotted Outdoors: Man-made structure (building wall, fences, etc.),Low foliage (shrubs, herbs, garden, excluding flowers)
- Found in web?: Yes
- Attributes:
Nothing to worry about. 🙂 I can’t tell what the gender is. Female is most likely for a large Orbweaver in Autumn. The adult males are either dead by this time of year or are little hatchlings. She’s an Western Spotted Orbweaver. They come in several base colors. The markings are often white, but can vary. Orb (circle) Weavers make webs in the classic circle and spokes design, like in my profile pic. It is interesting from an engineering point of view. It is very strong for stopping large jumping or flying bugs without ripping. There are some Orbweavers in… Read more »