Comments & ID Thoughts
What kind of spider is this? Found him in the car and he likes to run a lot! He's extremely fast too faster than the majority of spiders I have seen throughout my life
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Dec 22, 2023
- Photographed: Aug 19, 2023
- Spider: Unidentified
- Location: Cairo , Egypt
- Spotted Outdoors: Man-made structure (building wall, fences, etc.)
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes:
I am going to guess that this is a yellow sac spider in the genus Cheiracanthium…
There are numerous species present in Egypt so I am not going to guess a species name.
This is very cool. Is he poisonous/aggressive? Because I remember when I saw him, he was up to something with these fast little legs until I whooshed him out of the car.
Sac spiders…if that is what it is…. are speedy nocturnal hunters. They don’t build webs, but run down their prey. Your spider might have been searching for a safe spot to hide out till nightfall. They weave themselves a silken sac to better hide. I don’t know enough about Egyptian sac spiders to comment on their aggression or lack of it.