Comments & ID Thoughts
I need to know what this spider is because it needs to be out of my house. If it's invasive or poisonous I'll kill it but if it's neither I'll put it outside.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Jun 4, 2024
- Photographed: Jun 3, 2024
- Spider: Steatoda nobilis (Noble False Widow)
- Sex:
- Location: Santa Rosa, California, United States
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: Yes
- Attributes:
It is a Steatoda is harmless. They are a fairy recent import from Europe and are doing really well in California. They have become established there in the last few years.
Thank you!! It’s good to know its harmless. Its a prolific ‘hunter’. It always has tones of bugs in its web. Must be why its so big 😀
She is quite robust. She’ll be ready to lay eggs soon. If they hatch indoors it’s something that works itself out. I have had generations of False Widows ( S. trianulosa ) in my house. They do well in the kitchen. I keep garden flowers in a vase of water. Some climb down the flowers to drink water. Any flying insect that gets into my house is doomed. If the False Widows don’t catch it, the Cellar Spiders do. Baby spiders automatically get far away from each other because their siblings are hungry enough to eat them.
She is robust! It’s kinda freakin me out I’m not a big spider gal. She’s in the corner of a window in my living room just behind my sofa. I’m not feeling the 1000s of babies coming. What do you mean “it’s something that works itself out”?
These spiders can live happily outside. You could relocate it outside if you wish.