Comments & ID Thoughts
Hello, I live in Izmir Turkey located in eastern Mediterranean sea. I found this creature in the kitchen. I am not sure if this spider venomous or not. A large amount of yellow poison(I guess) was released when I hunted it
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Jun 20, 2024
- Photographed: Jul 18, 2024
- Spider: Unidentified
- Location: Izmir, Turkey
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes:
Hello, I also live in İzmir Turkey. Firstly, it wasn’t “poison”, it was the poor thing’s “blood”. This is from family Sparassidae, genus Eusparassus. They can bite if you provoke but their venom isn’t harmful for humans. I can understand that you panicked when you found a big spider but please do not kill anything without knowing it’s ID. They are harmless to humans and they take care of the cockroaches. Türkçe: Merhabalar, ben de İzmir’de yaşıyorum. İlk olarak, o sıvı “zehir” değil hayvanın “kanı”. Bu Sparassidae familyasından, Eusparassus cinsinden. Rahatsız ederseniz ısırabilir ama zehri insanlar için etkisizdir. Büyük bir… Read more »