Comments & ID Thoughts
My guess is woodlouse spider. Found while digging in my garden. Looked down and this thing was on my leg! I initially brushed it off, where it fell onto asphalt. First pic is of it on its back on the asphalt. I carefully scooped it up and put it into this bucket with some soil. Googled it, found this cool site, and now I’m loading the puc for ID confirmation.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Jul 6, 2024
- Photographed: Jul 6, 2024
- Spider: Dysdera crocata (Woodlouse Hunter)
- Location: Pocatello , Idaho, United States
- Spotted Outdoors: Ground layer (leaf litter, dirt, grass, etc),Under rock, log, or debris
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes:
Lived here 12 years, never encountered one.
Species Dysdera crocata – Woodlouse Hunter – BugGuide.Net
And Bugguide only has had one sighting in Idaho too. @Ecology, this is an interesting species. It hunts Woodlice/ Pillbugs – the flat oval isopods that roll into an armored sphere. The Woodlice have a tiny unprotected area at the seam. The spiders have fangs like a “D” that wrap around the woodlouse and pierce through the little weak area sideways. They can also open their fangs like a longhorn stear and use them to jab and flip prey of other shapes. It might have perceived your pants or shorts as a dark place to hunt. 🙂 Spiders seem to… Read more »
Thank you for the info. It definitely keep a lookout for more in my garden!
Thank you! So cool. I also found this distribution data from Idaho Fish and Game: