Comments & ID Thoughts
Thought it might be a wolf spider, but It has large mandibles so I am unsure. Found in regional South West Australia.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Jul 6, 2024
- Photographed: Jul 7, 2024
- Spider: Unidentified
- Location: Perth, Australia
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes:
A Google search brought me to this one. I am not familiar with Australian spiders so I dontjnow if there is a better match. Your spider is a male. The males in this species have an unusual shape to their pedipalps with an elongated structure attached to the bulb…..that isn’t obvious in your picture but it may just be the angle of the photo. It’s one possibility for you anyway
Here is another picture from the top like how your spider is positioned
Just found out that another member of the same genus is also in your area….most of the pictures in the link are female though..i found out that this genus build webs similar to the agelenidae… American grass spiders… but are not related to them..
Corasoides australis ….Australian Labyrinth Spider