Comments & ID Thoughts
Top mid picture back of a spider, any idea? This was in a porch in April, just seen one in house black and glossy. Thanks in advance.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Jul 9, 2024
- Photographed: Apr 17, 2024
- Spider: Unidentified
- Location: Herts/Essex borders, United Kingdom
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes:
It looks like the back half of a False Widow in genus Steadoda. @Nod is our European specialist and can give you a better species answer.
Nod happens to be from Europe…would be closer to the truth. Lol…I am fairly sure this is a cupboard spider. Steatoda grossa
I know this spider, I mistake them for triangulate cobweb spiders.
One of the Steatoda genus, quite harmless
Thanks for all replies, any idea how I can manage them as they are currently in an enclosed porch attached to the house and I found one in the lounge so assume they are trying to get deeper onto the house for warmth, so that’s 6 in total since April 2024
Spiders dont care about heat or cold. If you have a separate enclosed area like a tool shed or garage, that would be a good place for them. They are fairly easy to snatch from their webs, either with hands or a small cup with lid. as long as you don’t trap them between fingers, they dont bite. Crawling, just corral them with hands, then put in cup or take them to a better place. They like to play dead or web off your hand, easy enough to manage though. Maybe one well out of the way you can just… Read more »