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Pisaura mirabilis
(European Nursery Web Spider)

Picture ID 198691

Picture of Pisaura mirabilis (European Nursery Web Spider) - Female - Egg sacs
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A nursery web spider, maybe one of your raft spiders. Harmless but may bite protecting her eggs.


You and can always tell me if you question the ID I put on anything. I have an impairment due to damage in the visual-spatial cognition and visual memory brain areas. I chose a difficult hobby for me as a way to rewire my brain. In the meantime this is difficult. At least I recreated the ability to recognize faces. It was quite socially awkward to be unable to recognize anyone!


Nod has been awful good with spiders, he consults inaturalist which is a global wildlife tracking source. I give him a thumb up if I feel he is close and add a reply if another possibility. Here, I think you pegged it as I often overlook a lot of foreign spiders. I used to be quite good IDing spiders, Now it seems an unidentified, ‘hey,I know this spider’ but can’t recall my resource, so confidence is low. I am a bit like you but there are many members that realy want a good ID, so I go the effort of… Read more »


Thanks Dan. I am the same. Sometimes I know I have seen a pic of a spider somewhere before…..cue an hours long trawl through bugguide and inat to find where the hell I saw it …doh..


I agree it’s P. mirabilis. Fair play to you for challenging yourself. Spiders are hard. I love the challenge too.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Pisaura mirabilis (European Nursery Web Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Pisaura mirabilis (European Nursery Web Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Pisaura mirabilis (European Nursery Web Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Pisaura mirabilis (European Nursery Web Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture