Comments & ID Thoughts
Cellar spider Female (I believe, male hung around closely for a while) with a lot on her plate. Kitchen ceiling to other halves disgust !
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Aug 13, 2024
- Photographed: Jun 22, 2023
- Spider: Pholcidae (Cellar Spiders)
- Sex:
- Location: Lincolnshire , United Kingdom
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: Yes
- Attributes: Spiderlings
Thanks for the spiderlings photo! That’s interesting that the male stayed around. They’ll disperse, each female will want her own hunting area. The males will make finding females that are ready to mate, their life mission. My female Cellar Spiders basically each take a corner of a room and the rest get stuck living behind furniture. They are great at catching flying insects! Every flying insect that gets into my house is eaten within a couple hours.
Thanks glad you liked it. Yeah probably my favourite spider species, certainly one I don’t mind keeping around. This picture took a while to get as my phone camera is not great. They are quite the predator considering how feeble they look. I recently got a Microscope for circuit board repair. It’ll be interesting to get some super detailed pictures of some spiders with it as well.