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(Furrow Spiders)

Picture ID 200122

Picture of Larinioides (Furrow Spiders)

Comments & ID Thoughts

Larinioides patagiatus

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Nice photo.


It’s a lovely picture. Are you.sure it is L patagiatus though…that one should have a black band in the middle the 2nd last segment of the Hind legs… the 3rd black band from the end of the visible hind leg in the spider in the link….

My guess is that it could be Larinioides cornutus ….maybe….I could be wrong…see the link


I filed it as Larinoides because we can all agree on the genus. Technically, the species taxon can’t be determined from photos like this. It has to be done with a microscope or DNA testing. Many named species have been found to be the same thing as another species though there are slightly different appearances.
I never tried Bixby, I’ll try it tonight.


Now I know why I’ve never used it 🙂 It’s only for certain Samsung devices. I have an iPad, Motorola phone, and a Google Pixel phone that I only use as a camera because it overheats doing anything. Its camera wouldn’t focus today because it was warm outdoors.

Last edited 5 months ago by TangledWeb

Additional Pictures

Picture of Larinioides spp. (Furrow Spiders) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Larinioides spp. (Furrow Spiders) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Larinioides spp. (Furrow Spiders) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Larinioides spp. (Furrow Spiders) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture