- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Sep 8, 2024
- Photographed: Sep 8, 2024
- Spider: Steatoda nobilis (Noble False Widow)
- Location: L9ng beach, California, United States
- Spotted Outdoors: Man-made structure (building wall, fences, etc.)
- Found in web?: Yes
- Attributes:
A harmless noble false widow…Steatoda nobilis
I’m trying to post a photo of a spider I like, and am getting a “Validation failed. Spam detected.” message. Can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong?? I don’t know how to ask for tech help here, so picked on you! 😀
@Trailside Hmmm, that’s weird. The site is supposed to be recreated soon,I don’t know if it has anything to do with it. I haven’t heard of this happening to anyone. Is it your own photo? If it’s a photo that can be flound elsewhere ( copyrighted ) it may be automatically blocked. We don’t keep photos that aren’t used with permission, but we do answer questions if you can post it and say it’s not yours.
Thank you for your reply! It is my photo taken on my cell phone. I named my spider “Spidey” and even fed her an insect a couple times. Haven’t seen her in a few days. Guess she’s gone. )-:
I have a lot of them over here in Ireland too…my lassies disappear every so often to molt…mine usually hide out during the day and come out to hang out after dark. Yours looks like a young adult female….every time they molt they lose a little of their pattern….
Thank you! Reading about this spider now, appreciate this very much. Trying to copy and paste my photo here.
Please delete. I don’t know how.