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Steatoda grossa
(False Black Widow)

Picture ID 200669

Picture of Steatoda grossa (False Black Widow)
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Yes, I think so. Of the Steatoda spiders, they’re quite robust ( hence “grossa”) and dark. She’s a mighty hunter. She can kill cockroaches, Black Widows, and many other bugs.


I don’t think you can rule out Steatoda bipunctata for this one….it has the line….the 4 divots on its back…and there is a bit of banding on its legs if you zoom in on them….they are an accidental import from Europe and bugguide lists New Brunswick as a location they have shown up in. It also says they tend to displace the native Steatoda borealis when they show up in a spot.


Definitely Steatoda genus. Hard to be certain of the species ID…they are all harmless though…the native Steatoda borialis is also very similar…but it does get out competed by the European import…

Last edited 19 days ago by Nod

Additional Pictures

Picture of Steatoda grossa (False Black Widow) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda grossa (False Black Widow) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda grossa (False Black Widow) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Steatoda grossa (False Black Widow) Enlarge Picture