Comments & ID Thoughts
Found on moss at night. It's a Thick-jawed Orbweaver. My guess is P. autumnalis, I'm waiting for more opinions before marking it as that species. These Orbweavers go to the ground late in their lives. Its markings refracted bright light like Steatoda spp and Leucauge spp. It basically looked like a glowing red line.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Oct 26, 2024
- Photographed: Oct 25, 2024
- Spider: Pachygnatha (Thick-jawed Orb-weavers)
- Location: Nashua, New Hampshire, United States
- Spotted Outdoors: Ground layer (leaf litter, dirt, grass, etc)
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal
A little beauty
It was a nice surprise while I was cleaning tree debris from my yard, the little red glowing spider in the light of my flashlight. I do yard work at night for the opportunity to find spiders.
I am the same… I have a feral cat who comes to me for food in the evening. I always take torch out to check the bushes and walls for anything interesting. I spend half my time walking my dog staring into the bushes. Lol