Comments & ID Thoughts
The pest control guy said brown recluse, but I don’t think it is. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see it in person.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Jun 23, 2018
- Photographed: Jun 15, 2018
- Spider: Loxosceles reclusa (Brown Recluse)
- Location: Owensvile, Indiana, United States
- Spotted Indoors: Sink or bathtub
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal
Hi, not a lot of detail but enough that I do agree this is a Recluse and most likely Loxosceles reclusa (Brown Reclusa).
Aren’t they nocturnal? This was walking around in the kitchen sink in the daytime.
Something like a bug trying to prey on it may have disturbed it to bring it out during the day. Maybe he was under an object that got moved. Not 100% positive from the image but it looks male, maybe he didn’t want to rest until he found a mate.
The pest control guy says bites from a female always cause necrosis because they are bigger and have more venom, but I can’t find anywhere that says anything like that
I thought they were nocturnal spiders, so to see it in the daytime and in a kitchen sink didn’t seem right.