
Picture ID 33584

Picture of unidentified spider

Comments & ID Thoughts

This spider has been living around our front window for the entire summer. Each morning I run into its web as I leave for work. Didn't think much of it until we saw its actual size. I submitted a photo of a close up in hopes of having an accurate identification. I took other photos to show its actual size. The main body of the spider was the size of a quarter. This is the largest spider I have seen in 30 years living in Alberta.

  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Sep 2, 2018
  • Photographed: Sep 2, 2018
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Airdrie, Alberta, Canada
  • Spotted Outdoors: Man-made structure (building wall, fences, etc.)
  • Found in web?: Yes
  • Attributes:
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Hi, she was an orb-weaver kind of spider. I can’t see enough of her markings to feel sure about a species ID. If it is a black marking that I see partially at the posterior of her abdomen she might be Araneus marmoreus var. pyramidatus. Too bad you couldn’t coordinate your schedule with hers, every morning she ate her web and rebuilt it later. The females orbweavers are impressively big because they have a longer growth phase in their lives than the males do. The females are the ones that make the big webs and catch big insects and develop… Read more »