
Picture ID 36027

Picture of unidentified spider

Comments & ID Thoughts

Misumena vatia / Flower Crab Spider / Goldenrod Crab Spider

  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Sep 11, 2018
  • Photographed: Sep 11, 2018
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Winfield, Kansas, United States
  • Spotted Outdoors: On Flower,Open field, pasture, prairie, grassland
  • Found in web?: No
  • Attributes:
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It looks to be a White Banded Crab spider. They get quite big actually from what I’ve seen and they’re just one of the many garden spiders out there!


It’s definitely a crab spider of some kind. This is the closest picture that I could find to matching the pattern, but, it is the only picture that has the markings this close among the Misumena vatia (Golden-rod Crab Spider) photos.



and reading further, color and patterns vary heavily within the species, and they can change their color between yellow and white. On top of that:

“A view of the eyes from the front can help distinguish this species from the similar looking “Goldenrod crab spider” (Misumena vatia). In the “Whitebanded crab spider,” there is a conspicuous, white, transverse ridge below the bottom row of eyes called a “clypeal carina.” Misumena vatia does not have such a ridge.”

hmmm *scratching head* so their faces are what separates these ones for identification.


Hi, sometimes. In this case I think it is Misumenoides formosipes (whitebanded) from the abdominal markings. They don’t vary as much as Misumena vatia. The white band under the eyes is there too. This is my favorite spider species because of their camouflage abilities. They align their legs to the visual lines around them. This one has its legs I and II lined up with the flower stems. It also changed colors chemically to match the environment, white, pink, green and red.