
Picture ID 36424

Picture of unidentified spider
  • Submitted by: 
  • Submitted: Sep 12, 2018
  • Photographed: Sep 12, 2018
  • Spider: Unidentified
  • Location: Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States
  • Spotted Outdoors: Man-made structure (building wall, fences, etc.)
  • Found in web?: Yes
  • Attributes:
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Angulate orbweaver?


Are these spiders aggressive at all? My past experience with any spiders, have been most times startling popping out when not expected, and or walking into their website early in the morning, leaving for work!
But, I never bother them, even the ones that set up home right up the corner of my front door!!
I’m thinking, they do think they help control other flying pest,, that bite the mess out of me daily! least I hope so!


Hi. Warmer weather they can be a tad fast, but not to the point they can’t be freely handled. They are not aggressive at all, they don’t bite. Capable if trapped under shirt collar or mashed against skin. Cool mornings, they are a bit slow, may even just sit in your hand. Webbing across door and walkways, I simply put them by windows, often making a new home there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFCAs2a2udM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86tp3asD9kM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEawLFOAH0A The spider doesn’t benefit from handling, if they are out of the way, best they are left undisturbed. If you have to, it is quite easy with these.… Read more »