Comments & ID Thoughts
We believe this is a brown recluse spider..
we have been dealing with these since we moved into our apartment and the complex keeps telling us they’re not brown recluse spiders. This one we found in our kitchen sink.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Jan 4, 2018
- Photographed: Jan 4, 2018
- Spider: Loxosceles reclusa (Brown Recluse)
- Sex:Male,
- Maturity:Adult
- Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
- Spotted Indoors: Sink or bathtub
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal
Hi, welcome to Spider ID. 🙂 You are right. I’m just an amateur but I’ve been doing this long enough to say with confidence that that is a mature male Loxosceles and in your region it should be Loxosceles reclusa (Brown Recluse). Steps you can personally take to reduce the number of spiders you see in your apartment are to seal cracks around floors, doors, windows, etc. Anywhere you can’t seal you could place sticky traps. Sticky traps can also go behind furniture where the wall meets the floor. Don’t leave clean clothes out or on the floor, move beds… Read more »
Thanks! Do you know how to find someone to identify it in person? Our apartment complex is doing nothing about this situation. We have a 4 year old and are constantly worried we will get bitten. We have found dead ones under his bed, and lives ones, too!!
How about this…
Also, if you do send it out please let me know if it turns out to be a Mediterranean Recluse (Loxosceles rufescens) instead. Again, good luck!
The sample was confirmed
Host: Spider Id request
Diagnosis/ID: Confirmed for Brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa)
Awesome, I’m glad you got expert confirmation! I hope that’s all it takes to get the situation straightened out.
Which apartment complex? So I can make sure to NEVER move there.