Comments & ID Thoughts
Micrommata virescens?!
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Jan 11, 2018
- Photographed: Jun 5, 2017
- Spider: Micrommata virescens (Green Huntsman Spider)
- Location: Vila Real, Portugal
- Spotted Outdoors: Low foliage (shrubs, herbs, garden, excluding flowers)
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal, Eyes
I love it. 🙂
Note to admin: species needed for Micrommata virescens.
Good you like it! 🙂
I´m in doubt if this is a M. virescens or a M. ligurina…
I considered it, the World Spider Catalog lists the range as “Mediterranean to Central Asia” which I think excludes Portugal, but it’s close enough that I looked at it anyway and noticed the median carapace stripe on images of M. ligurna is pretty dark on the anterior half whereas on yours and images I see of other M. virescens the intensity of the color on the median stripe is kind of pale and more consistent through out.
Well as far as I know, in Portugal all the territory is considered as an mediterranean area! Still wondering, …in your opinion it is M. virescens right?!
I had looked up the list of Mediterranean countries when I was considering it and Wikipedia doesn’t include Portugal. But it is close enough, being there you would know better than I if it’s considered Mediterranean. Yes, I think it’s most likely M. virescens.
Ohhh I was checking what you said! But yes we have definitely mediterranean clime (please check here: 😛
Ok, so I will let this as M. virescens! Thanks ItsyBitsy
Micrommata ligurina always has a small black mark on the rear part of the prosoma, and M. virescens doesn’t.
Thanks for that bit of information. I posted a picture of presumably a Micrommata ligurina taken in Jacetania Aragón (Spain). However I also note that there is a Micrommata aragonensis. Do you know to distinguish those?