Comments & ID Thoughts
Was found under a log behind a loose web. Looks like a species of red and black spider which is what I believe it is but I cannot find any information about them in the south west as all I am finding is information about spiders on the eastern states.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Oct 8, 2018
- Photographed: Oct 8, 2018
- Spider: Nicodamus mainae (Main Red and Black Spider)
- Sex:Male,
- Location: Bunbury, Western Australia , Australia
- Spotted Outdoors: Under rock, log, or debris
- Found in web?: Yes
- Attributes: Dorsal
Hypsosinga rubens?
Size was more like 20mm not 1.5mm, sorry I should have specified size earlier
Size was something like 15-25mm
Hi, based on range and what looks like notably different markings among the examples I’m seeing of the other similar genera – tentatively this looks like Nicodamus mainae. Cool spider, thanks for sharing. 🙂