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Cheiracanthium mildei
(Long-legged Sac Spider)

Picture ID 47347

Picture of Cheiracanthium mildei (Long-legged Sac Spider) - Dorsal
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I think that’s a yellow sac spider, indigenous to Europe and now ubiquitous in many new england homes. I believe they’re nocturnal and they hunt at night. They used to bite me all the time at my old residence in Massachusetts while I slept. Some people when bitten have bad reactions that resemble the bite of a recluse. I think most of that is correct. Sleep tight and don’t forget to check under the covers


Yeah I tried to do the same thing but I think you can only upload one.
Try Google searching for images of the ‘yellow sac spider’ and you’ll be able to identify it in no time. And if you have the time, Wikipedia usually provides some pretty fun and interesting facts. Anyway, mice find! Keep on spider hunting


To add two photos in a single post you can use the collage option in Google Photos. Two pics will be condensed into the space of one without loss of detail. It’s easier to go to “Collage”, THEN select photos instead of the reverse. These are the spiders that bite me the most here in New Hampshire too. I got a bunch of bites on my ankles and calves yesterday while clearing brush.The bites stay itchy and scabby for about a week. At least my family and friends accept me the scabby and scarred way I am 🙂 They just… Read more »

Additional Pictures

Picture of Cheiracanthium mildei (Long-legged Sac Spider) - Eyes Enlarge Picture
Picture of Cheiracanthium mildei (Long-legged Sac Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Cheiracanthium mildei (Long-legged Sac Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture
Picture of Cheiracanthium mildei (Long-legged Sac Spider) - Dorsal Enlarge Picture