Comments & ID Thoughts
Poecilotheria metallica Pocock, 1895, female. Peacock Parachute Spider. Found in natural cavities of living and dead trees.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Nov 9, 2018
- Photographed: Apr 23, 2006
- Spider: Poecilotheria metallica (Peacock Parachute Spider)
- Sex:
- Location: near Nandyal, Pradesh, India
- Spotted Outdoors: High foliage (includes trees and tree trunks),Forest
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal
She’s stunning. 🙂
Thanks. Unfortunately, they’re heavily sought after for the commercial pet trade.
I know, it’s nice to see an image of one that isn’t presented as someone’s pet. I made a note that they are critically endangered.
Good idea, thanks.
Absolutely beautiful
She’s beautiful!! I’ve never seen one in the wild before.
They’re endangered and rare. Wildlife poachers have taken them from the wild to sell in the exotic pet trade. It’s a shame to lose genetic diversity.