Comments & ID Thoughts
Hibana gracilis? ghost spider. The spider was on vinyl siding at night hunting a bug about three inches above it. The irregular lengths of the legs are what stands out. I noticed that Hibana gracilis has short or absent third pairs of legs like this. Sorry I don’t have any additional photos of this spider.
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Nov 10, 2018
- Photographed: Oct 19, 2018
- Spider: Anyphaena
- Location: Nashua , New Hampshire, United States
- Spotted Outdoors: Man-made structure (building wall, fences, etc.)
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal
I just read that spiders can regrow lost legs, but the new legs tend to be stumpy. This spider lived near a much larger spider, a female Nursery Web, Pisaurina mira. Maybe she took him out for a bite.