Comments & ID Thoughts
I'm told those are lots of babies on her back. If you look real close.amazing ..huh?
- Submitted by:
- Submitted: Dec 9, 2018
- Photographed: May 8, 2018
- Spider: Trochosa ruricola
- Sex:
- Maturity:Adult,Immature
- Location: Westmont, Illinois, United States
- Spotted Indoors: Other
- Found in web?: No
- Attributes: Dorsal, Spiderlings
That’s a female Wolf Spider in the family Lycosidae with her babies riding on her back. Female Wolf Spiders have hooked hairs on their abdomens (like Velcro) that help the young to hang on. The markings on the cephalothorax look a lot like it’s one of the Trochosa species.
That’s really interesting! That could be an idea for a new toy: Velcro Mama Wolf Spider.
I agree, this is likely Trochosa ruricola. 🙂