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Kukulcania hibernalis
(Southern House Spider)

Picture ID 51063

Picture of Kukulcania hibernalis (Southern House Spider) - Female - Dorsal,Webs

Comments & ID Thoughts

Hello I currently have a spider I rescued. It lived inside my old house just above the back door for two-and-a-half years. I just moved and brought it with me. She has grown since then. I've heard shes a house spider but that seemed to general. Can anyone identify her for me?

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Hi, this is a Kukulcania hibernalis, the common name for this species is Southern House Spider.


You can but it isn’t a good idea. She would be anxious and stressed. Spiders don’t like to feel confined or have pressure against their bodies. She won’t know what you plan to do next. That could cause her to bite you to get you to stop. The bite can put bad bacteria into your body and you could have an allergic reaction to her venom. She does have venom. She needs it to kill her prey insects.


Hi, these are one of my spiders of extensive study, their venom is much typical neurotoxin, to mild to effect humans, then the matter of forcing a bite, these are not known to bite.
They can be freely handled, but I am with tangled web on this,it is stressful for them and they have delicate legs that can detach (autospasy) if mishandled.

Additional Pictures

Picture of Kukulcania hibernalis (Southern House Spider) - Female Enlarge Picture
Picture of Kukulcania hibernalis (Southern House Spider) Enlarge Picture
Picture of Kukulcania hibernalis (Southern House Spider) - Female Enlarge Picture
Picture of Kukulcania hibernalis (Southern House Spider) - Female Enlarge Picture